Monday, 20 July 2009


Originally uploaded by ezappy
Spike's face was a picture


Originally uploaded by ezappy
doing the Walk


Originally uploaded by ezappy
a lang a ding dong


Originally uploaded by ezappy
giving it some

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Simon & Colin

clicken sie
das picture

I thought I needed a haircut!

Thursday, 19 March 2009


Here are the timings/address for the recording weekend.
(which went rather well!)

Tela Theatre
The Princess Royal Barracks
GU16 6RW

SATURDAY 4th April

08:00 hours - Sound engineer arrives at the Tela theatre

09:00 hours - Band arrive (30 minutes chat time)

09:30 hours - Placement of players and tune up etc.

10:00 hours - Begin recording.

11:15 hours - Short break for cuppa

11:40 hours - Recording until 13:00 hours

13:00 hours - Lunch until 14:15 hours

14:30 hours - Begin recording until 16:00 hopefully. This may have to be extended to 16:30 hours.

Break in the afternoon up to DM and JK far in to programme

SUNDAY 5th April

09:30 hours - Arrive and prepare

10:00 hours - Begin recording.......aiming to finish at lunchtime. (We may have to forego lunch due to players commitments).

We are hoping to finish no later than 14:30.

Good luck guys (and girls) .........................................

Kind regards

Lorna Ambler

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

God help me !!!

God help me
so there we were an englishman living in wales a burnley supporter (rare breed) and some arsenal supporter, trundling down the A1 heading south towards Aldershot. What a name it conjurs up all sorts of things in one's mind from the good old HMF days. The three of us looked at each other for some recognition no we were the same apart from a few grey hairs maybe a few hairs less. After a couple of hours talking about the good old days we were in Aldershot looking for Alder Valley band room, who else would put a bandroom down a track, in a farm but an ex rct guy!!! (Thank You Mike).
People started turning up some were instantly recognisible, some good old back slapping vigorous hand shakes and gales of laughter could be seen and heard across the farm.
When we started playing wow what a sound fantastic!! as if we've never been apart.

An excellent day all round new friends made and what a fantastic idea from Roger, Steve and Co
cant wait till April

Sunday 8th March

I was awake at 5am, immediately knowing that the first meet-up in 22 years of the now dis-banded Royal Corps of Transport Band was 5 hours away.

The journey according to Multimap was an hour and a quarter. With contingency options ringing in my head I was tempted to 'Hurry up and wait', but that would really have meant arriving a day early.... better allow 2 hours I thought, so leave at 8!

I was kicking my heels at 9am forcing down nearly a pint of coffee at the BP station on the Hog's Back thinking that this might all be a huge mistake.. never go back said Orwell!

I lit a fag around the back, away from the pumps and over-looking Aldershot and witnessed a full blown row on the forecourt as a youngish female attempted to manoeuvre her 7.5 ton horsebox between a pair of cars and a steel roof support. The large man in the merc refused to see the need to budge which prompted Ms HB to pound on his window. I could hear her shouting 'Please' but the body language was threatening.

I wondered how my day would be, wound up by the conflagration.

In the event it was like a family reunion.

Amazed at the time that had gone by we picked up old friendships as though we'd never parted. Hands were shaken and backs slapped, the banter emerged and familiarity renewed.

And then we began to play...
Having a laugh with the lads

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Twiggy's writing a book!

A History of the RCT Band

The book will attempt the history and achievements of the band with facts, figures and dates. However any successful musical ensemble is sustained by its personnel, I will therefore include many anecdotes and stories to compliment the ‘hard data’ The story will be told through the eyes of someone who served in the band as ‘boy and man’ for 19 years. I will try to be as accurate as possible when recording the personal memories of former band members. Memories, of course can be exaggerated or diminished over time by those who recall them. I will leave it up to the reader to decide whether this may detract or enhance of what was a truly unique musical institution.

In order to write an accurate account of the RCT Band’s history I would like to cover the events, engagements, gigs and personalities.

To assist in this and to jog your memories here are some of the ‘highlights’.

Horse Shows, Liverpool Tattoo, Public Duties, Wembley – Sports events & pageant Aldershot Show.

Eastbourne etc. Broadcasts, Concerts, Recordings.

Tours: Cyprus, Hong Kong, Jordan, Germany, France (remember that ‘long march)’.

The bands ‘within the band’,

1st Gulf War.

Cock ups & bloopers!

Most memorable Job, least memorable job.

Funniest moment.

Most memorable personality.

Please e-mail, write or ‘phone with any comments, information, memories, ‘photo’s, or documents. If you send a ‘photo please include the date it was taken and a brief explanation. (All photos will be returned).

Email Twiggy

Thank you Steve Ambler

Sunday, 1 March 2009

A Free Poster

that you have to print yourself!